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  1. Leadership & Me 1. What are the leadership qualities I have? 2. What “exemplar y practices” of leadership do I already engage in? What can I work on incorporating more? 3. If leadership is a learned skill, what can I do in my life to practice and improve my skills? Individual Reflection

  2. Lesson guide for group leaders and educators. ★ 1 hour to 1.25 hours ★ Students should be grouped into small groups of 4-6 ★ Ages 14-18 ★ Supplies: Poster paper (1 for each group), colourful markers, plus paper/notebooks and pens for each student ★ Projector for accompanying slides: “Leadership 101” (optional)

  3. The Leadership Development Workshop Series is a skills course specifically designed to provide high school students with a chance to develop leadership skills in a daylong, hands-on workshop. Included will be sessions in both personal and group skills.

  4. Leadership lesson plans for teens designed by our expert youth leadership facilitators to help middle school and high school students understand their leadership potential, identify their passions and values, learn communication and teamwork skills, and make a difference in their community!

  5. These FREE worksheets are designed to steer your student leaders in a positive direction. Feel free to use them in any of your discussions or to share them with other members of your faculty and staff.

  6. to assist youth leaders and their educators in understanding and developing skills in three core areas of leadership development: personal leadership, organizational leadership, and community leadership.

  7. Growing Leaders is pleased to offer a collection of free leadership development resources including podcasts, eBooks, and other training materials. Download your free online leadership resources today.

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