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Lakeside School Calendar 2024-2025.xlsx Author: Jenna Albert Created Date: 4/18/2024 3:13:18 PM ...
2nd: Dec. 20 (43 days/85 total days) 3rd: March 14 (47 days/132 total days) 4th: May 30 (48 days/180 total days) Progress Reports End of Quarters
2024-2025 school year NEW HAMPSHIRE SUGGESTED SCHOOL CALENDAR School districts are required to schedule 180 days for instruction (or the equivalent number of hours) as required by RSA
A schedule of district calendars which have been approved by the local school board is reported. State summaries of the number of districts observing various holidays and vacation schedules are reported.
23-24 Printable Calendar Updated 4/24/2024. 24-25 Printable Calendar - Approved at 4/24/2024 BOE Meeting
Printable Calendar. District & School Board. Lakeview High School. Lakeview Middle School 5/6. Lakeview Middle School 7/8. Minges Brook Elementary. Prairieview Elementary. Riverside Elementary. Westlake Elementary