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  1. Exception: Small Claims initial hearings/Trials and Trial De Novo (small claim appeal) ARE eligible for LACC. Is your hearing scheduled in Chatsworth F40, Compton 105, Inglewood N or Long Beach S03? Is your hearing starting within 30 minutes? Is your hearing date more than 14 days away?

  2. www.lacourt.orgLA Court

    Beginning December 1, 2023, the Superior Court of CA, County of LA will accept CARE Court petitions. Learn more here. Data on the court reporter workforce shortage and the lack of available verbatim records. Learn about settlement programs to resolve your case. Avoid waiting in line.

  3. To initiate the check-in process, search for the case number and select the scheduled hearing. Only hearings scheduled for today are available for check-in. If your hearing is not today, please return the day of your hearing and check in prior to the time of the hearing. Enter a case number to get hearings for today.

  4. Important: LACourtConnect (LACC) is exclusively for the use of individuals who are involved in the case such as parties, attorneys, or, in some cases, testifying witnesses, and who wish to participate remotely. LACC will validate the individual's association with the case as part of registration.

  5. 5 kwi 2023 · LACourtConnect is a permanent part of the Court's Access LACourt | Your Way initiative ( Do you have a...

  6. The preview version of CourtConnect can be accessed from any court-issued desktop or laptop connected to the court network at Click Enter to continue the sign-in process.

  7. › cpw › LIBSVCHumanResources-48-LACC_II_WaysWays to Connect to LACC - .NET Framework

    LACourtConnect is part of the Court's Access LACourt | Your Wayinitiative and provides a convenient option for appearing in court without having to visit a court location. This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) outlines the different ways to connect to LACC as a remote participant.

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