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W tym poradniku przedstawiam Wam Fiorę. Pokażę Wam jak działają jej umiejętności, a także zaprezentuję sztuczki i triki! 😎 Znajdziecie tu porady, kontry i inne ciekawostki! 😁 Po więcej...
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Watch Tryndamere outplay Fiora in Master elo! Highlights: 12 solo kills, Great player: 66% winrate on Tryndamere. Learn what runes to use, what items to bui...
Use win rate and GD15 to find the best Top Lane champion who counters Fiora. Main Role Order: Top Lane > Mid Lane > Support > ADC > Jungle. Build. Counters. Leaderboards. Pro Builds. Build. ARAM. Counters. Leaderboards. Pro Builds. More Stats. Filters.
Poszukujesz kontr dla Fiora? Wybierz najlepszego mistrza przeciwko Fiora w LoL 14.17.
22 kwi 2014 · Na topa polecam: -Teemo -Fiora -Jax -Jarvan IV -Lee Sin -GankPlank (Są to moje postacie jakimi gram na topie często ) A teraz kto przeciwko komu jest dobry Kontry Fiora - Lee Sin, Jax Teemo - Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Jax Jax - Lee Sin Jarvan IV - Jax, Gankplank, Fiora Lee Sin - Fiora, Jax, Teemo GankP...
You win lv 1, so be confident and don't let her get the weak spot for free. You MUST respect her lv 2 and 3 if she gets ignited. Flash her W if necessary. Pre-cast your E when you think she's gonna Q in, and it will be used as soon as she dashes in. However, you won't win those trades.