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macaroni duck. This is a beautiful example of the ancient art of ramengami, wherein pictures are made by gluing various macaroni shapes to a piece of paper. (Some people add paint and glitter as well, but traditionalists scoff at this.) This particular piece is a rather artistic macaroni duck.
These pages shall contain the history of the Kingdom of Loathing. For an annotated list of changes to the game, see Changes. January 03, 2022. The Lucky Lindy, Optimal Dog, and Sunday's Pillkeeper Pill now conform to our modern notions of luck.
Fight infinite ducks at the barn. Drops giant pristine duck feather , hard duck leg , and pâté foods (as below). You can try your (non-cursed) haunted duck call at each building, but the ducks don't care.
These pages shall contain the history of the Kingdom of Loathing. For an annotated list of changes to the game, see Changes.
Kingdom of Loathing (abbreviated KoL) is a browser-based multiplayer role-playing game designed and operated by Asymmetric Publications, including creator Zack "Jick" Johnson with a small team. The game was released in 2003, with ongoing small updates continually released.
The Kingdom of Loathing is a humorous, satirical, and, most importantly, free MMORPG created by Asymmetric Publications (Zack "Jick" Johnson and Josh "Mr Skullhead" Nite).
A redditor is you! This is an unofficial community for [Kingdom of Loathing] ( is a free-to-play browser-based game full of puns and pop culture references with a great community! Ask questions, discuss strategies and weigh in on new content.