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Aanmelden in KBC Touch kan met je kaartlezer en debetkaart. Heb je je kaartlezer niet bij de hand? Geen probleem! Veilig en snel inloggen kan ook met de itsme®-app op je smartphone. Heb je een tablet? Dan kun je ook je zelfgekozen 5-cijferige geheime code gebruiken. Ontdek alles over aanmelden en tekenen in KBC Touch.
Simple, clear online banking with the option of managing your business and personal accounts in a single application – that’s KBC Touch. You can use this online app, therefore, as a businessperson and as a private individual.
KBC Sign for Business is the new way to log in to the KBC Business Dashboard and sign transactions simply using the app on your smartphone.
Log in to KBC Business Dashboard to manage your business finances and transactions securely.
First set a 5-digit PIN for logging in and signing transactions. Using the app on your computer for the first time? Keep your debit card and card reader handy. You can now use the itsme app to log in to KBC Brussels Touch (including the first time), authorise transactions and sign documents.
KBC Brussels Online for Business is an online banking app for SMEs that makes it easy to manage domestic payments from a desktop or tablet. You can customise the package to suit the needs of your business by easily adding extra accounts , users or specialised apps .
You can log in to KBC Touch using your card reader and debit card. If you don't have your card reader to hand, that's not a problem. You can also log in quickly and securely using the itsme app and your smartphone. If you’re on a tablet, you can always log in using your five-digit PIN instead.