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  1. 10 gru 2009 · Jeff Hardy TNA Theme SongPeroxwhy?gen - ModestModest to the topModest at the topStraight to the topAnd then keep on headin' upStars shine for whyWe should gi...

  2. 24 lut 2012 · All Rigts (music) goes to Jeff Hardy, Dale Oliver, and others. Music downloaded from All Rights (photo) go...

  3. 7 lis 2011 · One more shotand then im over and outim gonna show the non believers what im talkin aboutand then i'm under and gonei'm gonna show the non believers they are...

  4. Jeff Hardy TNA theme song with lyrics- Modest

  5. For me thats the best theme song of Jeff Hardy on TNA , if you like it please subscribe and like'it :D thx ...more.

  6. Jeff Hardy 11th TNA Theme Song -''Time & Fate'' Lyrics: If that's your choice you'll be To me a memory Of simply love and hate Of simply time and fate So you don't tell me...

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