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  1. How do I use the program? Extract the contents of the zip file. Launch the auto-fishing bot (Run as admin). Launch your game if you have not already. Click the start bot button. Go back to your game, unpause, let the bot take over. Enjoy your kittens!

  2. 1.8 - 1.21 Fishing bot for Minecraft. Contribute to MrKinau/FishingBot development by creating an account on GitHub.

  3. FTP to protokół do wymiany plików między użytkownikiem a serwerem. Dzięki niemu jesteśmy zdolni dodawać pluginy na serwer, zmienić silnik oraz wiele innych rzeczy, które z poziomu gry są niedostępne. Jak połączyć się do FTP. Aby to zrobić wykorzystamy popularnego klienta FTP, WinSCP.

  4. AutoHotKey (AHK), Capture2Text Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and Subtitles in Minecraft for AFK fishing despite the 1.16 nerf. No redstone is needed, but a Mending fishing rod is recommended. How do I set it up? Download and install AutoHotkey. Download and extract Capture2Text 3.9. Download the McFishy script.

  5. This mod will automatically reel in and recast your fishing rod when you catch a fish. Just cast the fishing rod one time into the water and let the mod do the rest. Usage

  6. 4 lip 2018 · I built an auto fisher, and I can right click on it and it works as it should, but I don't know how to tab out of the game and still have it press right click. Can anyone help? I'm on 1.13 pre5

  7. This mod is probably the most accurate among all automatic fishing mods for Minecraft Forge. It should also be fully compatible with other mods, since Mixin usages are avoided. It is fully client-sided and works on vanilla servers (and should also work on other servers, but I didn't test it.)