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The webmaster of this site has a collection of books with coats of arms of Italian families from different regions and kingdoms of Italy. The collection is composed by rare books discovered by him during his genealogical research.
The above list contains over 900 Italian family names (Italian Last Names) that we have coat of arms for. These family name coat or arms have been drawn from accurate descriptions and references from only original Heraldry art manuscripts.
If you think your family name may have come from Italy, then tracing its history can yield important clues to your Italian heritage and ancestral village. Coats of arms – do not represent a surname, but a specific family carrying that coat of arms. Why was my ancestor’s name changed during immigration? How to know if my last name is Italian?
10 cze 2020 · Jump to navigation Jump to search. Countries of Europe: ... Coats of arms of Castelbarco family (7 F) Coats of arms of Italian royal consorts (10 C) F. ... Media in category "Coats of arms of families of Italy" The following 200 files are in this category, out of 1,660 total.
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The earliest surviving example of a family coat of arms ( family crest) in Italy is a carving on a stone tomb in the Church of Aracoeli in Rome dating to 1213. The arms is, however, believed to be of Norman origin.
12 sie 2016 · Jump to navigation Jump to search. This meta category should only contain other categories. Files should either be in the relevant subcategory or in the parent category. Contents: ... Coats of arms of families of Italy-Surname beginning for C (33 C, 1393 F) D.