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  1. Islamic sources on humour. [edit] Laughter, fun, and joking are permissible in Islam provided guidelines from the Quran and hadith are followed. For humour to be in accordance with Islam, the joke should not be blasphemous and should be within the limits of adab (manners). [ 1 ]

  2. While successfully refuting the contention that Muslims are humourless, much scholarly literature on Islam and humour draws on ḥadīth and sunnah.

  3. Dua gaya humor yang justru tidak menyehatkan adalah gaya berhumor agresif dan gaya berhumor menyalahkan diri. Gaya berhumor agresif adalah gaya berhumor untuk tujuan mengkritik atau memanipulasi orang lain, seperti dalam sarkasme, olok-olok, meremehkan, dan sebagainya.

  4. Artikel ini mencoba membahas tertawa, lelucon dan humor dalam sudut pandang Islam. Pembahasan topik tersebut dibagi ke dalam empat bahasan. Pertama, rasa humor itu sendiri yang meliputi fenomena humor dan teori humor. Kedua, jenis-jenis humor dalam al-Quran dan Hadits. Ketiga, etika humor dan fungsi humor. Keempat, hubungan antara humor dan agama.

  5. Answer: It is in itself permitted to make people laugh. It is blameworthy if done in blameworthy ways. If accompanied by noble intentions and to achieve recognized benefits like the comedy of Sidi Azhar Usman (, a committed.

  6. We trust that this collection of timely essays on Muslims and humour in Islamicate and Western contexts, albeit not exhaustive, will close a significant knowledge gap in the existing literature by offering both fresh theoretical perspectives and original examples of humour practices.

  7. If humour is a universal human attribute, then why is there no apparent consensus among Muslims about the permissibility of humour? The Qur’an confirms that it is God who gifted humankind with the ability to laugh.

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