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The debug console is accessible in The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth † and The Binding of Isaac: Repentance. It is an extremely useful way to verify a particular game mechanic, explore a seed, test launch options, or test various things about the game. Or, if you are a mod developer, you can use...
Once the debug console is enabled, go in the game, start a run, and press the tilde key (~) to open it. Enter the command "achievement *" to unlock everything. Personally I'm just using this to unlock Cracked Crown (typing in "achievement 336"), but ONLY because the actual achievement is glitched.
31 mar 2021 · Cheats (Console Commands) Read Also: How to Enable Console Commands in Repentance. In addition, Afterbirth+ has added a console that gives unlimited opportunities for debugging and quick viewing of in-game content. It only works if the game has at least one mod installed. Opens with the ~ (tilde).
4 cze 2018 · In this guide i will show you some useful commands. To activate console command you need to have at least 1 mod activated. Press key "~" under "esc" and you are set. How do you remove an active item ? I was messing around with it now my isaac forever spawns with a D100.
5 kwi 2021 · Działa tylko wtedy, gdy w grze jest zainstalowany co najmniej jeden mod, który otwiera się przyciskiem Clave button.png ~ (tylda), który jest oznaczony literą E w układzie rosyjskim. Potwierdź polecenie zamknij konsolę na Clave.png Enter. osiągnięcie - odblokowuje osiągnięcia zgodnie z ich liczbą. Goto-Idź do niektórych pomieszczeń na poziomie.
13 sty 2017 · Adding onto the whole console thing, documentation of each command can be found locally in your installation folder (typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Binding of Isaac Rebirth\tools\LuaDocs) or online at
The game offers a variety of console commands for players to experiment with. The website also shows commands from supported mods. Please select which console commands you would like to see.