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An American IPA chart with sounds and examples. All the sounds of American English (General American): consonants, simple vowels and diphthongs. Interactive infographic + audio + PDF; easy to remember.
Vowels and Diphthongs Consonants ɒ on, hot æ apple, bag ɑ: arm, large, car aɪ bike, sky, pie, high aʊ mouth, cow e egg, ten, bread eə chair, pear eɪ game, rain ...
*International Phonetic Alphabet Symbol Chart with Close English Equivalent Keywords Single Vowels Diphthongs IPA English Equivalent Keyword IPA English Equivalent Keyword father night pasta day cat boy
The following IPA symbols are used in English transcription for specific sounds found in the language. Italic symbols are optional sounds, which may be pronounced or omitted, as in fancy [ fæn.tsi]. Symbols found in parenthesis are standard optional pronunciations, as in exhibit [ ( ) . z b. t].
Vowel Sounds in English at this link: Check out our tailored English Pronunciation Courses at
Open Where symbols appear in pairs, the one to the right represents a rounded vowel. Affricates and double articulations can be represented by two symbols joined by a tie bar if necessary.
All the sounds of American English (General American) with: consonants, simple vowels and diphthongs. The chart is interactive, click on the symbols and illustrations! The use of animals for consonants, and colors for vowels, makes this English phonemic chart easy to remember.