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  1. Tldr: invoker isn't just a braindead alacrity cold snap hitter (was a better hitter last patch in terms of raw dps) and is just more versatile now and can be built in TONS of ways (even zoo theoretically)

  2. Pick and Win rate change for each level based on the ability that is skilled. Compare vertically.

  3. Invoker builds up a charge of electromagnetic energy at a targeted location which automatically detonates after 2-4 seconds based on Wex. The detonation covers a 675 area, draining up to 400 mana based on Wex. Deals 0.5 damage for each point of mana drained.

  4. View statistics, top players and guides for Invoker on Dotabuff

  5. Invoker pro builds & guides from our coaches and immortal players. Improve your skills with those builds!

  6. Built by Leamare, data provided by Stratz and D2PT. Builds are CC-3.0 A-NC-SA.

  7. Współczynnik wyboru i zwycięstw dla każdego poziomu wzorowany na wybranej umiejętności. Porównane pionowo.