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IMSA offers several Traffic Signal certifications covering a range of applications from maintenance to design and inspection. (Click to expand.) The IMSA Traffic Signal Technician I Exam certifies the holder as being knowledgeable in the basic terminology and operation of signalized traffic control devices and systems.
provides an inspector’s viewpoint of traffic signal construction. Topics covered in the Traffic Signal Inspector Certification Course Manual include: • Introduction to traffic signal inspection • Inspection of underground facilities • Inspection of traffic signal supports • Inspection of overhead equipment
The IMSA Traffic Signal Inspector Certification Program is designed to ensure public safety by helping individuals to understand fundamental concepts associated with the inspection for construction of traffic signal installations.
The Traffic Signal Field Technician Level II certification program includes Traffic Signal Design, Maintenance, Operation and Primary Electrical Details of Cabinet Wiring and Components, Methods and Materials of Signal System Construction and Legal Issues.
planning and design of traffic signals, such as traffic engineers and traffic technicians. Course Specifics: The program includes an introduction to traffic signals; signal indications and signal-related signing; planning for traffic signals; designing traffic signals; vehicle detection; traffic signal
IMSA offers educational and certification programs in Traffic Signals, Signs and Markings, Work Zone Traffic Control, Municipal and Interior Fire Alarm systems, Public Safety Dispatcher and Flagging.
IMSA offers industry professionals the opportunity to become certified or recertified through in person classroom instruction. Additionally, we offer certification and CEC opportunities at our annual IMSA Forum & Expo held in a different region of the US each year.