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We are pleased to publish this Sample Collector’s Handbook. This handbook will assist public water supplies in implementing the requirements of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s drinking water regulations.
- Illinois
Illinois - Sample Collector's Handbook - Illinois
- Illinois
Sample Collector’s Handbook. Title: Sample Collectors Handbook Author: Illinois EPA - Bureau of Water Created Date: 7/23/2019 12:30:32 AM ...
State of Illinois Bruce Rauner, Governor Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Alec Messina, Director Sample Collector’s Handbook Illinois Environmental Protection Agency . Title: Microsoft Word - Cover Page.docx Author: jeri.long Created Date:
Sample Collector’s Handbook: Chapter 1 8 – Nitrification Action Plan . A Community Water Supply (CWS) that employs chloramination as a means of disinfection or a CWS that has source water containing ammonia is required to implement a Nitrification Action Plan (NAP) pursuant
We are pleased to publish this Sample Collector’s Handbook. This Handbook should assist public water supplies in implementing the requirements of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s drinking water regulations.
Chapter 14 of the IEPA Sample Collector's Handbook explains all of the requirements to obtain and maintain a Water Supply Operator's certification in Illinois. This application should be used by applicants that do not meet the work experience requirements for the certification they want to test for.