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1 lip 2024 · The State of Illinois recently passed legislation (Public Act 103-0510) changing the Capital Development Board Act to require statewide building codes effective 1/1/2025. Until then, units of local government such as cities and counties can adopt codes of their choice.
To find a property’s zoning classification, locate the address on the City’s Zoning Maps. City of DeKalb Official Zoning Map (downloadable PDF): Use the zoom feature to view the address numbers on the map, and refer to the color-coded key at the bottom.
View a PDF of the 2022 Zoning Map here. The best way to view zoning information is using the McGIS Interactive Map Viewer. There are zoning districts for agricultural, residential, office, business, and manufacturing uses. There are special districts for the airport, university, and public uses such as parks.
Zoning regulations are located in the Zoning Ordinance, Title 17 of the City Code. To search for the Zoning classification of a specific address, use the My Property Info search utility. The Zoning Map is available as a zoomable Interactive Map or an official PDF version:
Use the Interactive Zoning Map to look up zoning for a location. To confirm the zoning status of a specific location, call the Business Call Center at 312-74-GOBIZ (744.6249) or visit the Chicago Small Business Center (SBC).
The Joliet Zoning Map Viewer helps members of the public determine zoning for properties located in the City. Properties can be searched by address or PIN. For further zoning inquiries, call the Zoning line at 815-724-4055.
This handbook provides a general overview of zoning rules and regulations in Illinois. It explains basic zoning concepts and is intended to meet the needs of a wide variety looking for a better understanding of specific zoning concepts.