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Eric Partridge's "Dictionary of Catch Phrases," published in 1992, says the word "rectum" (even on its own, no full joke needed) has been eliciting the punchline "damn near killed 'em" since circa 1950.
Mike Donnelly: And so he says, "Rectum? Damn near killed'em!" Their Marine Corps designation was VMF-214, but for millions of people around the world, they will always be remembered by the name they gave themselves: the "Black Sheep Squadron." Though they fought together for just 12 short weeks under… more » And so he says, "Rectum?
15 maj 2009 · The word can either be funny in its own right ("rectum") or funny because you're attaching it the "...barely know her/damn near killed him!" e.g. "Poker? I barely know her!"
27 lut 2024 · [on stage making a fool of himself] That's one small step for man! One giant... I have a dream! And so he says, "Rectum? Damn near killed'em!" We've all been screwed by Governor Tracy, and now, I'm going to screw her! Boy, I could sure use some cupcakes or peanut butter cups right now.
Little Johnny’s teacher asked him how the weekend went. He told her, “Horribly, a car hit my dog in the ass.” She corrected him replying, “rectum.” Johnny said, “Wrecked him? Damn near killed him!”
Mike : [on stage making a fool of himself] That's one small step for man! One giant... I have a dream! Mike : And so he says, "Rectum? Damn near killed'em!" Mike : [cold calling voters] Hi! This is Mike Donnelly. I work over here at the Recreational Center. To be honest, I pretty much run the place; hahaha! Is this, uh, Pat..Giles? Good, good!
Little Johnny says to his teacher “miss, miss I put a fire cracker up the rats arse!” The teacher replied “rectum, Johnny, rectum” And Johnny replied “rectum? Damn near killed him!”