Search results
This airline and airport code search engine provides an official source for codes assigned by IATA. Find out the 2-letter code of an airline or identify to which airline a 2-letter code corresponds. This search tool returns 2 search results.
A fast, easy-to-use flight route finder Type in your origin and destination city and we will give you the best flight route options based on flight time and connection time along with airline and airports delays.
List of airlines operating at Jakarta Airport (CGK). Airline code and more information.
IATA code – MAWB IATA code IATA airlines ; IATA – 001 : IATA – AA : American Airlines : IATA – 002 : ... IATA – KE : Korean Air : IATA – 182 : IATA – MA : Malev Hungarian Airlines : IATA – 183 : ... China Eastern Airlines : IATA – 784 : IATA – CZ : China Southern Airlines : IATA – 800 : IATA – GD : Grandstar Cargo :
This is a list of all airline codes. The table lists the IATA airline designators, the ICAO airline designators and the airline call signs (telephony designator). Historical assignments are also included for completeness.
In order to check in for your flight at Jakarta Airport (CGK), go to the terminal where your flight departs from, or follow the instructions provided in your ticket. General Information and contact - IATA Code: CZ
Here you can find all airlines and organizations that have an IATA code. The legal names of the airlines are displayed exactly as they appear in the state registers. * Codes with asterisk are controlled duplicates. They may be issued to airlines whose destinations are not likely to overlap. Air Cargo Carriers, LLC. PT. My Indo Airlines.