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(Original Title - Hunger) - 2008 Blast! Films -Hunger Ltd. Hunger follows life in the Maze Prison, Northern Ireland shortly before and during the infamous 1981 IRA hunger strike led by Bobby...
Hunger: Directed by Steve McQueen. With Stuart Graham, Laine Megaw, Brian Milligan, Liam McMahon. Irish republican Bobby Sands leads the inmates of a Northern Irish prison in a hunger strike.
Hunger is a compelling and unforgettable exploration of the real-life events surrounding the 1981 IRA hunger strike at Northern Ireland's Maze Prison. Michael Fassbender (300) is Bobby...
5 gru 2008 · An odyssey, in which the smallest gestures become epic and when the body is the last resource for protest. The story of Bobby Sands, the IRA member who led the 1981 hunger strike during The Troubles in which Irish Republican prisoners tried to win political status.
Hunger is a 2008 historical drama film about the 1981 Irish hunger strike. It was directed by Steve McQueen (in his feature directorial debut) and starred Michael Fassbender, Liam Cunningham, and Liam McMahon. It premiered at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival, [3] winning the prestigious Caméra d'Or award for first-time filmmakers. [4]
27 mar 2018 · An illustration of two cells of a film strip. Video. An illustration of an audio speaker. Audio ... Hunger.2008.480p.BRRip.XviD.AC3.PRoDJiHDTV_201803 Scanner ... Be the first one to write a review. 4,805 Views . 6 Favorites. DOWNLOAD OPTIONS download 1 file . CINEPACK download. download 1 file . H.264 download.
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