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The Humane Society of Northwest Montana provides a caring and safe environment for dogs and cats until they can be united with a forever home. Help Us Care For Homeless Pets We serve communities of Northwest Montana including Kalispell, Whitefish, Columbia Falls, Kila and Lakeside/Somers.
Learn more about Humane Society of Northwest Montana in Kalispell, MT, and search the available pets they have up for adoption on Petfinder.
Browse our homeless dogs and puppies available for adoption from the Humane Society of Northwest Montana. When you find that perfect friend, come by our facility to personally meet your special doggy and fill out the adoption application.
Looking for a shelter in KALISPELL, MT? Adopt a dog or cat today! Search for local pets in need of a home. can help you find directions to your closest shelter and allows you to browse pets for adoption before you visit.
Search for dogs for adoption at shelters near Kalispell, MT. Find and adopt a pet on Petfinder today.
Browse our homeless cats and kittens available for adoption from the Humane Society of Northwest Montana. When you find that purr-fect cat, come by our facility to personally meet your special kitty and fill out the adoption application.
Updated daily, click here for a quick overview of purebred dogs & cats, small dogs, and special needs pets in Montana. See also rescue, horses and lost & found. All Montana humane societies and shelters are welcome to list their animals on this site. Click HERE to see the criteria for participation in Montana Pets on the Net.