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21 maj 2024 · When you’re writing about conflicts that pit one party against another, the word versus will eventually come into play. But sometimes, it’s appropriate to shorten the already-short word. So in case you’re ever tempted to wonder whether you should use v. or vs., here’s a quick refresher on the two versus abbreviations.
Regardless of the AP stylebook recommendations, you can use any form of the word “versus” to indicate against, comparison, opposition, or competition. It’s not difficult to remember and you’ll never go wrong no matter if you use “vs.” or “vs”.
22 maj 2020 · Find out which versus abbreviation is correct for your situation. Know when to use vs. or vs and when you should use v. instead.
21 gru 2011 · In writing, when should one use the abbreviation vs. as opposed to the full versus? This abbreviation seems to have special status from common usage. What is the origin of that, and in what writing contexts is it important?
The abbreviation “vs.” or “vs” is most likely used for sports and competitions, whereas “v.” or “v” is more common in documentation relating to legal cases. In formal writing, you should avoid using abbreviations unless absolutely necessary.
3 sty 2017 · There are three alternative ways of abbreviating versus in English, as confirmed by Oxford Dictionaries online: versus (also vs, v., v) In addition, because the word is Latin in origin, there is a tendency to italicize it, especially when ‘v’ is used.
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