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  1. ui as in Latin u + i, spoken as a single syllable like Spanish muy or English gooey, pronounced quickly as a single syllable, and occuring only in the following words: cuius, huius, cui, hui, huic.

  2. use in the Roman Church, the Roman pronunciation of the liturgical Latin has been chosen for presentation here. First authorized by Pope Pius X (Motu Proprio) in 1903, this method was later

  3. Y is pronounced and treated as the Latin I. The pronunciation given for i, o, u, gives the approximate quality of the sounds, which may be long or short; care must be taken to bring out the accent

  4. ui as in Latin u + i, spoken as a single syllable like Spanish muy or English gooey, pronounced quickly as a single syllable, and occuring only in the following words: cuius, huius, cui, hui, huic.

  5. › 0910 PDFs › Pronunciation GuideLATIN PRONUNCIATION GUIDE

    Correct pronunciation will make it easier to recognize and remember vocabulary and grammatical forms. The pronunciation of Latin is best learned by imitation of the teacher. There are three major sound groups. VOWELS : There are five vowels in Latin, as in English, and each has a long and short sound.

  6. -Latin is phonetic, so everything is pronounced.-Long vowels are marked by macron appearing over the vowel: ā, ē, ī, ō, ū.-Syllables are generally broken up by vowels, they tend to begin with consonants, and they break up double consonant groups, except for certain combinations (ng, qu, pr, tr, cr, chr, br, dr, gr, pl, cl, bl, or gl).

  7. This paper will tell you how to pronounce Latin words and phrases, given only the spelling and the vowel lengths (which you can look up in any Latin dictionary). I am addressing primarily people who are not schooled in Latin but need to pronounce Latin words because of their interest in science, history, or music. 2 Four rivals

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