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In this section you can learn how to say and spell English words with Sam and Pam, the super space spies. This section is based on the UK literacy programme, Letters and Sounds. Play games and watch songs and stories. You can also print activities and post comments!
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- Pronunciation activities
Here are some ideas for activities: Songs and rhymes. Songs,...
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Explore Kids Academy's word pronunciation printable worksheets to help children master clear and correct speech through engaging exercises.
Voiced or Voiceless? - Try not to touch - Brawl Stars - GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 1 - 20 Questions - DISNEY CHARACTERS - words with /ʌ/ or /ɒ/ or /ɔː/ sounds
Here are some ideas for activities: Songs and rhymes. Songs, nursery rhymes and chants are a great way to introduce younger children to the sounds of English. Many chants and nursery rhymes are repetitive and easy to remember, and your child will not need to be able to read or write English.
Voiced or Voiceless? - Patterns game - words with /ʌ/ or /ɒ/ or /ɔː/ sounds - Past simple regular verbs ~ed pronunciation - There is/are (funny, pronunciation)
Pronunciation #3. This game uses minimal pairs to give students practice in saying and listening for problematic vowel sounds. 463 uses. A selection of English ESL pronunciation printables.
Games. Online. Try these fun MOBILE-FRIENDLY pronunciation games for ESL learners to test your understanding of English pronunciation. Homophones Games (46 games) Find the homophones that match each other, and drag them side-by-side.