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23 lip 2024 · To measure a plant’s growth rate, use a ruler or measuring tape to measure from the base of the plant to its highest point. If your plant is in a pot, start your measurement at the base of the pot. Write the measurement down, then repeat 2-3 days later.
16 sty 2017 · The plant growth can be visualized in terms of increase in length or plant height, stem diameter, volume of tissue, increase in cell numbers, increase in fresh weight and dry weight, increase...
7 sie 2021 · We propose a general framework to distinguish between the different facets of growth, and the corresponding physiological processes, environmental drivers and mathematical formalisms. Based on...
10 lip 2021 · Our review clarifies what defines the different facets of growth (Figs 1, 2; Table 2), how to measure them, and why understanding growth control and measuring growth in its different facets is important. We conclude with personal statements on three growing scientific fronts.
10 mar 2015 · Modelling relative growth rates mainly serves two purposes, 1) an improved analysis of growth performance and efficiency and 2) the prediction of future or past growth rates.
7 wrz 2019 · In this review, we summarise the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying plant growth, highlight state-of-the-art imaging and non-imaging-based techniques to quantitatively measure growth, including a discussion of their advantages and drawbacks, and suggest a terminology for growth rates depending on the type of technique used.
In this paper, we review these various facets of plant growth at different levels from cells to organs, plants, and ecosystems (the ‘what’). We emphasize that each facet can be defined using corresponding reference metrics, formalisms and frames of analysis.