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17 paź 2011 · Samsung Galaxy Player WiFi 5.0. The Samsung Galaxy Player WiFi 5.0 is probably the closest thing you’re going to find to a true Android version of an iPod touch. In many ways, this...
13 paź 2016 · (This works for any iOS or Android Device) Have you ever wondered how to get free wifi on your IPod touch b...
15 sie 2017 · I have an older iPod touch and it won't recognize my Wifi. I've updated the iPod and I'm not seeing my internet network. Is it just too old?
18 gru 2020 · Connecting to the Internet on your iPod Touch will allow you to take advantage of the App Store, Web browsing, and multiple other features. You can connect to the Internet on your iPod Touch at any time as long as you have Wi-Fi connectivity.
Wymagane jest połączenie z Internetem — zalecane jest połączenie szerokopasmowe; usługa może być płatna. Aplikacja Mapy na iPodzie touch dostarcza przybliżonych informacji o lokalizacji geograficznej na podstawie odległości użytkownika od znanych sieci Wi-Fi (gdy są włączone i dostępne).
29 lip 2010 · Find and select the Settings icon on your iPhone or iPod Touch. Select Wi-Fi from the Settings menu. If your Wi-Fi setting currently set to Off, tap it to toggle On the Wi-Fi access. Once your Wi-Fi is enabled you should see available networks appear below.
Connect your iPod touch to the internet by using an available Wi-Fi network. Go to Settings > Wi-Fi, then turn on Wi-Fi. A network: Enter the password, if required. Other: Joins a hidden network. Enter the name of the hidden network, security type, and password. If appears at the top of the screen, iPod touch is connected to a Wi-Fi network.