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Microsoft Word - Fractions to Percentages.docx Created Date: 11/24/2018 1:46:43 PM ...
- Fractions to Percentages pdf
Fractions to Percentages. Question 4: Convert the following...
- Fractions to Percentages pdf
Fractions to Percentages. Question 4: Convert the following fractions into percentages. Question 1: There are 20 apples on a tree. 3 of the apples are bad. What percentage of the apples are bad?
Converting between percentages and fractions or decimals. To write a % as a fraction or decimal: divide by 100. For example. 64% = 64 100 = 0.64. or. 64% = 100 = 16 64. 25. On a calculator press: 64 ab c 100 =. To write a decimal or fraction as a %: multiply by 100.
To convert a fraction to percent, we simply multiply the fraction by 100. So, 3/8 = 3/8 × 100= 37.5 %. We can easily convert a fraction to a percent by using the decimals method or by using the proportion method. Click to know about how to convert fractions to percentages by following easy steps.
How to express a fraction as a percentage. Fractions can be expressed as percentages. One of the ways to do this is by making an equivalent fraction. Percentages are fractions (or pieces) out of 100. So to make a fraction into a percentage we make an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 100.
To change a percent to a decimal, drop the percent sign and multiply by 0.01: 1.2% = 1.2 • 0.01 = 0.012. Or, move the decimal point 2 places to the left. 1.2% = . 01. 2 = 0.012. To change a decimal to a fraction, count the number of decimal places.
Fractions into Percent. Sheet 1. Convert each fraction into percent: =. 10. 2) 13 =.