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The Gerson Therapy™ is a natural treatment that activates the body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself through an organic, plant-based diet, raw juices, coffee enemas and natural supplements. How it Started, Dr. Max Gerson, M.D.
11 gru 2023 · The Gerson regimen is a diet-based therapy targeting cancer cell metabolism; it includes a specific diet, supplements, and coffee enemas. Prescription required? Very expensive (between $10,000 US and $50,000 US) for treatment in a clinic specializing in the Gerson regimen 1 Moss RW.
Transform your health by learning and implementing principles of the Gerson Therapy with Gerson Basics Online. This comprehensive, online educational course includes digital copies of the Gerson Basics Manual and Gerson Therapy Cookbook (PDF and printable!).
In-patient and out-patient options are available, and initial case reviews are free of charge. Learn about the available treatment options, then submit the initial case review form. All cases are evaluated on an individual basis, and some may not be eligible for treatment.
The Gerson Therapy Programs and Treatments offer a range of options for patients in their education and treatment journey. Free shipping on online purchases of $18.00 0123-88-89099
17 wrz 2024 · The Gerson Therapy — also called the Gerson Therapy diet — is a natural alternative treatment system that claims to “activate the body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself.”
Gerson Therapy supplements – these supplements are for an approximate 3 month supply – approximately $2,400; Comprehensive Cancer Treatment supplements and individualized supplements – approximate range of $500 – $1,000; Iscador Therapy – approximately $400