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Full-body, real-time motion tracking with a single webcam, on your PC and web browser. XR Animator, inherited from my previous desktop gadget project known as System Animator, is a video/webcam-based AI motion capture application designed for VTubing and the metaverse era.
Every other company that makes HMDs that use Steam VR Lighthouse tracking including Pimax, Varjo, VRgineers ,etc, just resells Valve or HTC's trackers, and probably wouldn't be interested in investing R&D money into making a lighthouse tracker with camera based Full Body tracking.
This program, using OpenVR Input Emulator, can create virtual trackers and using cameras placed around the room it can mimic real, vive full body trackers. Each camera has an associated browser page running a tensorflow pose detection model (AI that can tell where your body is), and the more cameras at different angles the better.
This is a WIP driver designed to use the NVIDIA AR SDK for camera-based body tracking. For now, most of the code is based on the AR SDK examples , Mediapipe-VR-Fullbody-Tracking , and driver_kinectV2 .
Really endgame for VR enthusiasts is a not over-engineered (so closer to Rift CV1 tracking than Lighthouse tracking) outside-in tracking system that uses a human model and is therefore designed with full-body tracking in mind.
I had tried to get full body tracking working on the Quest 2 running VRChat wirelessly but could never succeed. Finally I found the trick and it's this: once you set up calibration with the space calibration took, you can't take the headset off or let it go into sleep mode.
Kinect2VR offers an impressive full body tracking solution, improving tracking accuracy by utilizing depth sensors. When thinking about this option for their virtual reality setups, users should keep in mind the possibility of lag and the availability of Kinect devices.