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Rather than a dice roll you could try a small card deck. This allows you to customise the hit locations when fighting monsters such a three-armed kangaroos. How about a picture of a human body in the bottom of the dice tray you roll the dice in?
8 sie 2015 · I've wanted a good hit location method that complemented the Poker deck Variable Damage introduced in the Advanced Rules for some time, but it had to be one that didn't add a lot of extra rolling, charts, etc.
The white ones are for your to-hit roll, while the black are for hit location (or clusters where applicable) if you do hit. If you want to build one of these yourself, here's what you'll need: Clear parts box/tackle box
Ever wonder where a hit actually lands? Use these charts and find out! Designed for d2 through d100 plus playing cards. If you like my work please buy me a coffee. Comes with printer-friendly and color version. Systemless.
Updated instructions can be found at our website: “The base set has four dice. How do I know which one to roll?” We suggest blindly grabbing one. Each die represents one hit location: Head, Torso, Arm and Leg. “You’ve included recommended efects for 5e, what about my system?”
9 cze 2010 · Hit locations. Hit locations provide a few benefits over traditional critical hits. First, you avoid some of the pitfalls common to most critical hit systems (see OD&DITIES #11 for said pitfalls).
Download the latest version at Over a thousand tournaments, the Mad King has never lost. Heroes come from all corners of the globe, each with their own reasons for seeking supreme power. Will you be the one bold enough to take the throne? Copyright 2018 Roxley Games. All rights reserved worldwide.