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Contact the Physio department if you find the exercises are making your pain worse overall. Hip Level 1 – Exercises 1 to 10 1. Hip Flexion Lying on your back on the bed or the floor. Pull your knee onto your stomach helping with your hands. Push your other leg down towards the floor. Hold approx. 5 secs. - relax. Repeat 10 times. Sets 3
Bend your knee towards your chest. This exercise will mobilise your hip joint and strengthen the hip flexor muscles. You can make the exercise stronger by pulling your knee towards your chest. Lie down flat on your back on the floor or a bed. Slide your hip out to the side of your body as far as feels comfortable.
Lying on your back bend your hip and knee as far as possible, then use a towel or your hands to pull your knee into more flexion, as shown in the picture below.
Standing Exercises 1. Heel – Toe Raises • Hold on to a stable object • Rise up on your toes, hold for 5 seconds • Rock back on your heels, hold for 5 seconds • Keep knees straight 2. Hip Flexion • Hold on to a stable object • Lift your knee up to waist level. • Do not bend your hip past 90° • Hold for 5 seconds
Hold exercise for 20 Seconds. Stretch hip flexors supine 1 • Sit with knees bent, soles of feet together. • Slowly let your knees drop to floor. • Grasp ankles with hands and lean forward from the hips. Special Instructions: Try to keep elbows on inside of knees. Perform 1 set of 4 Repetitions, twice a day. Hold exercise for 20 Seconds.
These exercises are designed to address the most common weaknesses and tissue tightness associated with knee osteoarthritis. Improving your strength and range of motion will likely improve your ability to stand, bend and walk more smoothly and with less pain.
lower your hips by bending the knees and slide down the wall until the knees are flexed about 45 degrees (illustration). Pause five seconds and then slowly slide back up to the upright starting position. Hook-lying Hip IR/ER Lie on your back knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Gently rotate knees out and in limited by pain. Repeat 20 times.