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  1. HF EndFedz ® (Patent Pending) The UV resistant ABS plastic housing encloses an efficient matching network allowing the antenna to be fed with common 50 ohm coaxial cable. All hardware is stainless and the SO-239 connector is silver/teflon.

  2. Par EndFedz® Antennas are low-power End Fed Half Wave (EFHW) antennas with the match box coax connection at the end of the wire, for convenient and quick stealth portable operations. These single-band and multi-band antennas can be mounted horizontally, vertically, or as a sloper.

  3. Par EndFedz® Antennas are End Fed Half Wave (EFHW) antennas with the match box coax connection at the end of the wire, for convenient and quick stealth portable operations. These single-band and multi-band antennas can be mounted horizontally, vertically, or as a sloper.

  4. Par EndFedz® Antennas are End Fed Half Wave (EFHW) antennas with the match box coax connection at the end of the wire, for convenient and quick stealth portable operations. These single-band and multi-band antennas can be mounted horizontally, vertically, or as a sloper.

  5. 17 paź 2023 · Free Shipping - Par EndFedz® Antennas with qualifying orders of $99. Shop Wire Antennas at DX Engineering. I'll check out the MYantennas as well. Its funny, when studying for the tech/general, I was thinking, this isn't that hard. Now that I'm actually doing the application, I realize I don't know a bloody thing... LOL. Again, thanks for the help!

  6. Put a telescopic mast against a pole, hook the antenna to the top and slide it out. You are on air within 5 minutes! An additional advantage is that the antenna can easily be polarized vertically. This makes the antenna convenient for (DX) long distance connections.

  7. The Par End-Fedz are a full length half wave dipoles, but with an important difference. The coax connector is at one end of the dipole, where it is most needed. These antennas can be mounted horizontally, vertically or as a sloper.

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