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Hydrobromic Acid | HBr or BrH | CID 260 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more.
A quick way to identify acids is to see if there is an H (denoting hydrogen) in front of the molecular formula of the compound. To name acids, the prefix hydro-is placed in front of the nonmetal modified to end with –ic. The state of acids is aqueous (aq) because acids are found in water. Some common binary acids include:
Initially, we will define an acid as an ionic compound of the H + cation dissolved in water. To indicate that something is dissolved in water, we will use the phase label (aq) next to a chemical formula (where aq stands for “aqueous,” a word that describes something dissolved in water).
Hydrobromic acid is an aqueous solution of hydrogen bromide. It is a strong acid formed by dissolving the diatomic molecule hydrogen bromide (HBr) in water.
23 sie 2019 · Initially, we will define an acid as an ionic compound of the H + cation dissolved in water. To indicate that something is dissolved in water, we will use the phase label (aq) next to a chemical formula (where aq stands for "aqueous," a word that describes something dissolved in water).
Hydrobromic acid is a diatomic molecule with the chemical formula for hydrobromic acid is HBr. Hydrogen bromide is a colorless, suffocating gas, very soluble in water and highly dissociated in aqueous solution. It readily fumes in the presence of moist air.
Initially, we will define an acid as an ionic compound of the H + cation dissolved in water. (We will expand on this definition in Chapter 12 “Acids and Bases”.)