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  1. All HBO employees will receive a salary increase of 1 percent from July 2024, 3. An additional 2025 percent increase will be added in January 4. The negotiators also agreed on two incidental payments of 485 euros gross.

  2. Minimum salary scale 11 for higher professional education teachers due to new collective labor agreement HBO From now on, universities of applied sciences must always value teaching positions in salary scale 11 or higher.

  3. Do you want to know which salary scales there are in education and what the starting salaries are? Discover the different levels and steps in primary education, secondary education, MBO and HBO. Learn about gross and net salary, taxes, employee benefits and future growth opportunities.

  4. Salary development. Starting from 1 July 2023, the amounts in scales 1 up to and including 10 structurally rise by 150 euros gross. The amounts in scales 11 and 12 structurally rise by 100 euros gross. The maximums of job grades 11 and 12 then additionally rise by one extra step.

  5. Bent u werkzaam als docent, lector of manager op een hbo, dan valt u onder de salarisschalen die zijn opgenomen in de cao hbo. U vindt uw meest actuele salarisschaal in onderstaande tabel en onderaan de pagina als pdf. Per 1 januari 2025 volgt nog een salarisverhoging van 4 procent.

  6. The duration of the collective agreement for higher professional education (cao hbo) 2021-2022 extends from 1 January 2021 to 1 April 2022. In November 2021, a one-time allowance amounting to 880 gross is paid.

  7. 2023-2024 collective agreement includes arrangements on a number of major themes, such as workload reduction arrangements, pay scale assignment for lecturers and the introduction of a written training policy for new employees.

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