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  1. Points, Lines, and Planes. The fundamentals of geometry are points, lines, and planes. A point is a location represented by a dot. A line is a collection of infinitely many points that extends in both directions. A line that only extends in one direction is called a half line or a ray.

  2. Figure 10.3 Basic Geometric Symbols for Points and Lines. From Figure 10.3, we see the variations in lines, such as line segments, rays, or half-lines. What is consistent is that two collinear points (points that lie on the same line) are required to form a line.

  3. Lecture 8: Line Segments and Rays 8.1 Line Segments Definition Given distinct points A and B in a metric geometry, we call the set AB = {C : C ∈ ←→ AB and C = A,C = B, or A − C − B} the line segment from A to B. Example Consider points A = (x 1,y 1) and B = (x 2,y 2) on the line cL r in the Poincar´e Plane with x 1 < x 2. Suppose C ...

  4. A ray is defined by two points on the line; the first point is where the ray begins, and the second point gives the line direction. A half-line is defined by two points, one where the line starts and the other to give direction, but an open circle at the starting point indicates that the starting point is not part of the half-line.

  5. The plane angle XOP, Fig. 1-1, is formed by the two rays OX and OP. The point 0 is called the vertex and the half lines are called the sides of the angle.

  6. A half-line is just a set of the form $a + tb$ for $t \ge 0$, in a vector space over the reals. In the plane this just amounts to lines that are "cut off", i.e. have an endpoint, but then extend towards infinity. Say $\{(x,0): x \ge 0\}$, the positive x-axis, or the negative one too, is an example.

  7. GEOMETRY PRACTICE –Lines, Rays, Angles, and Segments Set 1 1. Line h and four points are shown on the grid. Which two points appear to lie on the same line that is parallel to line h? A D and G B D and E C G and E D G and F

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