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Stream and watch the anime Haikyu!! on Crunchyroll. Based off of the original Weekly Shonen Jump manga series from Haruichi Furudate, Haikyu!! is a slice-of-life sports anime revolving around...
Karasuno High School vs Shiratorizawa Academy Haikyu!! TO THE TOP. Two boys who were bitter volleyball rivals in middle school join forces on their high school team to take on other schools with a vengeance. 1. The End & the Beginning. Inspired by a volleyball hero, young Hinata later participates in his first match against "the King of the Court."
Kageyama and Tsukishima are invited to the All-Japan Youth Training Camp and a prefecture-wide training camp, respectively. In a fit of jealousy, Hinata sneaks into Tsukishima's camp. Despite initial confusion, Shiratorizawa's coach allows Hinata to attend the camp as a ball boy to test his skills independent of Kageyama.
With the help of Tsukishima, Hinata manages to join in on the free practice, and impress the others with his abilities. He later on notices and assists a seemingly struggling player.
Pewne nieoczekiwane zdarzenie sprawiło, że w Shouyou Hinacie obudziła się miłość do siatkówki. Klub sportowy do którego się zapisał, nie miał początkowo żadnych innych członków, jednak wytrwałość chłopaka uczyniła cuda, a na końcu gimnazjum spełniło się jego marzenie o zagraniu prawdziwego meczu!
W tym odcinku towarzyski mecz pomiędzy Karasuno i a Date rozciąga się na ósmy set. W ograniczonym czasie Karasuno Hinata wtapia się w drużynę. Tymczasem Kinoshita stara się znaleść sposób by pomóc zespołowi.
18 gru 2020 · Watch HAIKYU!! TO THE TOP The Promised Land, on Crunchyroll. Karasuno manages to move onto the third round after defeating Inarizaki where they'll be facing off with Nekoma High School.