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Stream and watch the anime Haikyu!! on Crunchyroll. Based off of the original Weekly Shonen Jump manga series from Haruichi Furudate, Haikyu!! is a slice-of-life sports anime revolving around Shoyo...
Haikyu!!, the highly touted sports manga series from Weekly Shonen Jump is now in anime version!
Nekoma faces off in the second set against Sarukawa tech in one of their most challenging sets yet. Sarukawa tech's plan on taking out Nekoma's setter, Kenma, gets set in motion. Karasuno are in the midst of the second set against Inarizaki.
The fourth season premiered on January 11, 2020 on the Super Animeism block. [5] It ran for 25 episodes, with the first cour running weekly from January 11 to April 4, 2020; the second cour was supposed to air in July 2020 but was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic .
Based off of the original Weekly Shonen Jump manga series from Haruichi Furudate, Haikyu!! is a slice-of-life sports anime revolving around Shoyo Hinata’s love of volleyball. Inspired by a small-statured pro volleyball player, Hinata creates a volleyball team in his last year of middle school.
Season 4 - All subtitles for this TV Series Season - english. Haikyu!! 2014 - Haikyu!! Original title: ハイキュー!! Based off of the original Weekly Shonen Jump manga series from Haruichi Furudate, Haikyu!! is a slice-of-life sports anime revolving around Shouyou Hinata's love of volleyball.
Czwarty sezon jest podzielony na dwie transze. Pierwszy odcinek pierwszej transzy został wyemitowany 10 stycznia 2020 r. Druga zaplanowana jest na lipiec 2020 r.