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Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.
- Tłumacz Google
Bezpłatna usługa Google, umożliwiająca szybkie tłumaczenie...
- Informacje
Tłumacz na urządzeniach tekst, mowę, obrazy, dokumenty,...
- Tłumacz Google
Natychmiast tłumacz teksty i całe dokumenty. Dokładne tłumaczenia dla użytkowników indywidualnych i zespołów. Codziennie miliony ludzi tłumaczą za pomocą DeepL.
Find the English translations in context of Polish words, expressions and idioms; a free Polish-English dictionary with millions of examples of use.
Translate texts & full document files instantly. Accurate translations for individuals and Teams. Millions translate with DeepL every day.
Translate between many language pairs to and from English. We can also support additional language pairs upon request. Polish-to-English translation is made accessible with the dictionary. Accurate translations for words, phrases, and texts online. Fast, and free.
Use the free text translator by PONS! Available in 38 languages with 12 million headwords and phrases.
This free online app powered by GroupDocs Translation API can translate texts of up to 10,000 characters into 46 European, Middle Eastern and Asian languages. It also preserves Markdown formatting, if present.