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The man voiced a loud guffaw and closed up again. Człowiek wyraził głośny rechot i zamknął się jeszcze raz. He gave one of his sudden guffaws, then stopped short and frowned. Dał jeden ze swoich nagłych rechotów, wtedy osadzić i zmarszczyć brwi. The man on the water tower roof gave a loud guffaw.
- Rechotać
rechotać - tłumaczenie na angielski oraz definicja. Co...
- Głośny śmiech
A loud laugh came up from somewhere deep in the black man's...
- Rechot
rechot - tłumaczenie na angielski oraz definicja. Co znaczy...
- Rechotać
The meaning of GUFFAW is a loud or boisterous burst of laughter. How to use guffaw in a sentence.
GUFFAW definition: 1. to laugh loudly, especially at something stupid that someone has said or done: 2. a loud laugh…. Learn more.
Tłumaczenie guffaw : (za)rechotać, rechot. Przeczytaj więcej w słowniku angielsko-polskim Cambridge.
Discover everything about the word "GUFFAW" in English: meanings, translations, synonyms, pronunciations, examples, and grammar insights - all in one comprehensive guide.
GUFFAW meaning: 1. to laugh loudly, especially at something stupid that someone has said or done: 2. a loud laugh…. Learn more.
A guffaw is a very loud laugh. He bursts into a loud guffaw. To guffaw means to laugh loudly. As they guffawed loudly, the ticket collector arrived. [VERB] 'Ha, ha,' everyone guffawed. 'It's one of Viv's shock tactics.' [VERB with quote] Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. 1. 2.