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Shop Greenheck SQ. Model SQ is a direct drive square centrifugal inline fan designed for intake, exhaust, return or make-up air applications where space is a major issue. Units feature a galvanized steel housing and aluminum backward-inclined wheel.
- Square Centrifugal Inline Fan, Model SQ-100 - Greenheck-USA
Model SQ-100 inline fan offers installation flexiblity, ease...
- Square Centrifugal Inline Fan, Model SQ-100 - Greenheck-USA
Model SQ is a direct drive square inline mixed flow fan designed for intake, exhaust, return or make-up air applications when efficiency, sound and cost are a major focus. Units have multiple mounting options for indoor and outdoor locations, Vari-Green® EC motors and a variety of accessories that make this model a great solution for many ...
Model SQ-100 inline fan offers installation flexiblity, ease of service and high efficiency for intake, exhaust, return or make-up air systems. Free, same-day shipping on in-stock orders over $25.
Greenheck’s model SQ and BSQ centrifugal inline fans feature a unique combination of installation lexibility, rugged construction, ease of service, high eficiency and low sound levels.
Model SQ mixed flow fans provide a unique combination of installation flexibility, rugged construction, ease of service, high eficiency, and low sound levels. Fans are compact and ideal for supply, exhaust, return or make-up air systems in indoor or outdoor clean air applications where space and eficiency are important.
Model SQ provides a unique combination of installation flexibility, rugged construction, ease-of-service, high-eficiency, and low sound levels. Fans are compact and ideal for supply, exhaust, return or make-up air systems in indoor clean air applications where space and eficiency is important.
These compact inline fans are the ideal selection for indoor clean air applications including intake, exhaust, return or make-up air systems where space is a prime consideration. The need... Standard Construction Features Model SQ Direct Drive.