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  1. 與環境有關的, 生態的… 与环境有关的, 生态的… eco-… Need a translator? Get a quick, free translation! ECO- definition: 1. connected with the environment 2. connected with the environment 3. abbreviation for Economic…. Learn more.

  2. Eco-combines with nouns and adjectives to form other nouns and adjectives which describe something as being related to ecology. ...the eco-horror of the North Sea oil spill. Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary .

  3. The meaning of ECO- is habitat or environment. How to use eco- in a sentence.

  4. › alpha › eeco- - Affixes

    The prefix is more common in a broader sense that refers to the natural environment, especially something that aids its preservation; in this sense it is intimately linked to green issues and the environmentalist movement.

  5. Discover everything about the word "ECO-" in English: meanings, translations, synonyms, pronunciations, examples, and grammar insights - all in one comprehensive guide.

  6. A potential ecological niche or niches; (also) notional space consisting of such niches, habitats, or ecological roles that may be filled through the…

  7. (noun) means to use a resource such as air, water, land, animals, and other natural resources carefully, allowing them to last longer and remain in good condition. eco- (prefix) means environment or habitat. ecology (noun) is the study of how living things interact with one another and with their environment. ecosystem

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