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  1. The Ancient Greek term for “translation” is “metaphrasis”, meaning “speaking across”. It has supplied English with “metaphrase”, i.e. a literal or word-for-word translation –as contrasted with “paraphrase”, i.e. a saying in other words or a sense-for-sense translation.

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  2. 18 maj 2015 · The Oxford Companion to the English Language states that the 'influence of classical Greek on English has been largely indirect, through Latin and French, and largely lexical and conceptual...'. According to one estimate, more than 150,000 words of English are derived from Greek words.

  3. 30 wrz 2018 · It reflects and reveals the true self of a language, culture and literature in front of the world, the only way to perceive the literature of the innumerable languages in the world; translation...

  4. 22 paź 2024 · Two numbering systems are used to identify the Hebrew and Greek words from which English translations have been derived. Knowing one or both of these systems can be helpful in utilizing the textual analysis tools.

  5. First, the word "translation" was derived from a Latin phrase that means "to bring or carry across." Second, another explaining phrase is "metaphrasis," which was derived from Ancient Greek, meaning "to speak across."

  6. 26 maj 2024 · This chapter provides a synthesis of the key concepts in translation studies, which will also reflect the evolution of the discipline. The dynamics between the original and translated text have often been metaphorized as a reflection of male–female relationships, gender roles and stereotypes.

  7. It is a comprehensive proposal that is based on an in-depth analysis conducted by the sector into the current bad and chaotic situation, best practices in other countries, as well as translation theory and research on these matters. The key points of our proposal are: Making “Official Translator” a protected title.