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  1. The gray-bellied caenolestid (Caenolestes caniventer), or grey-bellied shrew opossum, is a shrew opossum found in humid, temperate forests and moist grasslands of western Ecuador and northwestern Peru. It was first described by American zoologist Harold Elmer Anthony in 1921.

  2. The gray-bellied caenolestid (Caenolestes caniventer), or grey-bellied shrew opossum, is a shrew opossum found in humid, temperate forests and moist grasslands of western Ecuador and northwestern Peru.

  3. English: Gray-bellied Caenolestid, Gray-bellied Shrew Opossum, Pale-bellied Shrew Opossum; Kotava: Taruakol; català: Opòssum rata de ventre gris; čeština: Vačík dravý; Deutsch: Graubäuchige Opossummaus; فارسی: صاریغ موشی شکم‌خاکستری; français: Cénolestidé à ventre gris; Bahasa Indonesia: Oposum celurut ...

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  5. The gray-bellied caenolestid (Caenolestes caniventer), or grey-bellied shrew opossum, is a shrew opossum found in humid, temperate forests and moist grasslands of western Ecuador and northwestern Peru. It was first described by American zoologist Harold Elmer Anthony in 1921.

  6. Gray-bel­lied shrew opos­sums are mar­su­pi­als, they are some­what shrew-like in ap­pear­ance, with elon­gated faces. They can be dis­tin­guished from their close rel­a­tive, silky shrew opos­sums (Caenolestes fulig­i­nosus), by the coarse thick­ness of their brown­ish-black fur.

  7. Shrew opossums (also known as rat opossums or caenolestids) are about the size of a small rat (9–14 cm long), with thin limbs, a long, pointed snout and a slender, hairy tail. They are largely carnivorous, being active hunters of insects, earthworms, and small vertebrates.

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