Search results
There are several ways for you to search and apply for State of Nevada jobs. The majority of job openings are classified positions and can be found listed in the State of Nevada's online recruiting system, NVAPPS.
- Other Job Opportunities
Applications for jobs listed below are accepted directly by...
- Job Resources
Job Resources - Current State Job Openings - Nevada
- Hours, Location, Directions
Contact. Carson City (775) 684-0150 Las Vegas (702) 486-2900...
- Student Internship
Created in 1997, the Public Service Intern Program provides...
- Other Govt Jobs
Other Govt Jobs - Current State Job Openings - Nevada
- Public Safety
Career Opportunities: Capitol Police Forensic Specialists...
- Higher Ed
Higher Ed - Current State Job Openings - Nevada
State Agencies State Jobs ADA Assistance. Home. ... Division...
- Other Job Opportunities
The State of Nevada publishes several different types of recruitment announcements (i.e., unclassified and classified). You are strongly encouraged to view each occupational group listed on the left to ensure you are aware of all the employment opportunities available to you.
1 maj 2015 · Where do I get job notices? link to current open positions; For Public and Behavioral Health jobs use the Search Phrase: Public and Behavioral Health. How do I apply? click here to apply online
Grievances/Complaints. Please use electronic grievance filing system linked via the NEATS homepage. For information on how to file a grievance click on the Grievance FAQ's. If you would like more information, please contact Consultation & Accountability: EMC Coordinator; or (775) 684-0131.
The Department of Employment, Training & Rehabilitation (DETR) is the state’s lead workforce development agency. It consists of divisions that offer workforce related services, job placement and training, services for people with disabilities, investigation of claims of discrimination, unemployment insurance benefits, labor market data and more.
Public Safety Division: NV Dept. of Corrections (NDOC)
Search This Site Search All Sites Close Human Resource Management State of Nevada Career Opportunities. State Agencies State Jobs ADA Assistance