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  1. The Fort Mitchell group was composed of soldier-settlers who refused to abandon their cause during the waning days of the Pa-triot War and instead took refuge in a vast, remote area of the inte-rior called the "Chua" by the Spanish.' Before the war, many of these men were members of the Georgia militia and worked either

  2. Znajdź wszystkie tłumaczenia słowa govern w polsko, takie jak rządzić, panować, zarządzać i wiele innych.

  3. govern - tłumaczenie na polski oraz definicja. Co znaczy i jak powiedzieć "govern" po polsku? - rządzić, zarządzać (np. krajem, miastem); kierować, wpływać (na coś)

  4. The first Fort Mitchell, built in 1813 as an outpost during the Creek War and War of 1812, represents the military aspect of Manifest Destiny. It was named for David Brydie Mitchell , a governor of Georgia.

  5. The site is now preserved and interpreted as the Fort Mitchell Historic Site, complete with a visitors’ center, reconstructed fortifications, carriage house, and the Chattahoochee Indian Heritage Center. The Fort Mitchell National Cemetery is located nearby.

  6. Fort Mitchel is one of the largest military structures in the world... Fort Mitchel was constructed in 1804…. Our Location.

  7. Features a reconstruction of the 1813 fort that was an important United States military post in the Creek War. It includes a visitors center, museum, a diorama of different eras, a collection of historic carriages in the Carriage House, a restored 19th Century log home and the cemetery of Alabama's 1st territorial delegate to the US House of ...

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