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Atlas i Globus w jednym pakiecie dają możliwość zarówno pokazania bogatej informacji rozmieszczonej przestrzenie na mapach w większych skalach na mniejszym obszarze, jak i poprawnego przedstawienia obrazu całego świata na kulistym globusie w skali 1:60 000 000. Świetnie się więc uzupełniają!
CHAPTER 3. Applications of the Derivative. Chapter 2 concentrated on computing derivatives. This chapter concentrates on using them. Our computations produced dy=dx for functions built from xn and sin x and cos x.
This module covers applications of derivatives, including: 1. Finding tangents and normals to curves by taking derivatives 2. Finding maxima, minima, and inflection points of functions through analyzing derivatives 3. Sketching polynomial curves using critical points from derivatives 4.
Okay, so we know the derivatives of constants, of x, and of x2, and we can use these (together with the linearity of the derivative) to compute derivatives of linear and quadratic functions. To compute the derivatives of all polynomials, we’d need to know the derivatives of xn for higher n. How can we do this? Let’s start with an example: d ...
Rent 580 40x Number of apartments 50 x Cost per apartment 45 Profit. P Rent Number of apartments The maximum profit occurs when s 40 (or $40,000) and the point of diminishing returns occurs at s 20 (or $20,000). The point is 20,000, 2,000,000 . Cost Number of apartments 580 40x 50. x 45 50 40x2 1465.
Zawiera opisy i grafiki wszechświata, w tym Układu Słonecznego oraz Ziemi jako planety, zestawienie rekordów naszego globu, a także wiele map. Globus to przedstawienie Ziemi na powierzchni kuli w określonej skali.
The curve Chas equation. y x x x= − + −2 9 12 103 2. a)Find the coordinates of the two points on the curve where the gradient is zero. The point Plies on Cand its xcoordinate is −1. b)Determine the gradient of Cat the point P. The point Qlies on Cso that the gradient at Qis the same as the gradient at P.