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The Official YouTube Channel for GLEE. GLEE is a musical comedy about a group of ambitious and talented young adults in search of strength, acceptance and, ultimately, their voice.
A musical comedy about a group of ambitious and talented kids who escape the harsh realities of high school by joining a glee club where they find strength, ...
All Rights to FoxEpisode: Pilot
My original glee video has over a million vie... Today to celebrate the show's 13th birthday I am doing an updated video giving my favorite songs from the show.
13 mar 2012 · [ENGLISH RH] Gameplay "perfect" of this game: Rhythm Heaven for DS (from Chile). -Minigame: Glee Club (Perfect). Enjoy.-Description of Minigame: Join a trio ...
The Glee kids are a fun subculture that exists in most schools so read on to help decide if it is for you. 1. It Eliminates Nerves and Makes You a Better Performer. – Turning. up for practice with your club will get you used to performing. For anyone that. nervs. With enough practice performing at rehearsals even the most timid.
We welcome kids in Year 1 – Year 6 to work with professional musician Katie Pryce and legendary performing arts teacher Jo Court. Glee Club for Kids happens Tuesdays 5pm – 5:45 in the band room at Kindred Studios , Yarraville .