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Garuda Indonesia Web Check-in is an alternative check-in provided by Garuda Indonesia for Passenger to simplify check in via website. Available for domestic and international flight from: Passengers can check in and make seat selection using Garuda Indonesia mobile app.
Check-in is available on all domestic and some selected international flights, for travellers holding a confirmed and valid e-ticket.
Phone Check-in. Passengers who possess a ticket can check in by telephone through the Garuda Indonesia Call Center. This service is available from 24 hours to 4 hours before departure.
To use Online Check-in, please use your e-ticket with confirmed reservation. Passengers with connecting flights can check-in sequentially. Please arrive early for quarantine and security checks.
Follow the steps below: Log on Garuda Indonesia website on, choose menu “My Trip” on the left side of the page. Enter booking code and last name, then click “Check”. You will be directed to Booking Confirmation page. Click “Modify flights” to change the flight schedule.
Web check in Garuda Indonesia Available for domestic and international flights. Make sure that the name on the ticket matches your official identification, such as your KTP or passport.
Para penumpang yang memiliki tiket dapat check-in melalui telepon dengan Call Center Garuda Indonesia. Layanan ini tersedia mulai dari 24 hingga 4 jam sebelum keberangkatan.