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Garen wins vs Illaoi early. Take conqueror, triumph, tenacity, last stand. Then you have the option between bone plating and conditioning. And overgrowth. You need as much health and armor as possible in this matchup. When ahead of her, go for berserkers, Stridebreaker, mortal reminder and black cleaver as your core items.
- Garen vs. Illaoi? : r/GarenMains
Teemo is completely beatable, Illaoi is the real challenge....
- Garen vs. Illaoi? : r/GarenMains
In my experience, the match up is very favored garen. Try to have the wave at your side of the lane, if she ever misses her e (and isn't so far ahead) run her down and kill her, she can't kill you even with ult. If she hits e, try to run away as fast as possible, so you break the tether.
Illaoi's dream situation in low elo is to push you under turret, put up a tentacle on each wall just outside of turret range, and fish for E's every time you try to cs under turret. Chip away at plates, gain a cs lead, wait for people to try to gank and ult them for a multi-kill, become a raid boss.
Start d shield and a pot, first item berserker greaves, ironspike whip/hearthbound axe, stridebreaker. You can kill her if you have berserker greaves, ignite, ult, and if she is at 60% hp or lower.
Illaoi matches well against Garen. He needs to get in close to fight you, meaning that you can E him on the way in and then delete him if he doesn't back off. Otherwise you can poke him down.
Teemo is completely beatable, Illaoi is the real challenge. The best thing you can do is bait out her E, try to dodge her Q and play her dumb W tentacle mini game. A lot of dodging is needed but it isn't impossible. As for runes, run Sorcery secondary - Nimbus cloak + Transcendence.
Garen is considered a counter matchup to Illaoi based on winrate. The likely reason for this is because Garen can punish you for missing your E extremely easily, especially when pushed up far.