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Personally I use the in game Graphic settings that Trausi posted and they work great for me. Then I add a couple of F1 Commands on top. Trausi Settings; F1 Commands; GC.BUFFER 4096 GC.INCREMENTAL_MILLISECONDS = 1 GRAPHICS.VM_FOV_SCALE = FALSE CLIENT.HEADLERP_INERTIA FALSE
12 lut 2014 · On my laptop Rust is not running very well, probably because it is not yet optimized due to early alpha stage. I found a couple of settings that can be enabled in console that increase the FPS a bit: grass.on false grass.displacement false
Manage 3d settings - low latency mode off for rust. Make sure you turn on nvidia reflex + boost in rust. OpenGL GDI Compatibility - prefer performance. OpenGL rendering GPU - your nvidia gpu. Power management mode - prefer maximum performance. Threaded Optimization - on Verticle Sync - Honestly set to off unless you specifically need it. If you ...
13 sty 2023 · Open console using the f1 key and type the following command one by one pool.clear_assets pool.clear_memory pool.clear_prefabs Your game might freeze for a second but you should see a decent increase in FPS You can also bind these commands to a key so you won't have to keep typing it
23 lis 2022 · Disabling (new) community skins for better visibility (skins from ~2016 and facepunch made skins will stay on and items that use different models, like space suit, ak47 ice, artic suit, etc...) Shows fps and ping.
20 paź 2024 · Boost your FPS without upgrading your hardware! This section explores crucial in-game settings adjustments to optimize Rust's performance and achieve smoother gameplay. Graphics Settings: Finding the Sweet Spot: Lowering demanding graphics settings like shadow quality, texture detail, and draw distance significantly impacts FPS.
Here is a list of console commands that you can enter in-game using the f1 button. Each command has a rating from 1 to 10. 1 being minimal, and 10 being maximum effect!