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Looking for FREE WORKSHEETS and resources on STORY STRUCTURE? Look no further! These activities cover the exposition, rising action, climax, and more! Print, edit, or complete online!
Free, printable worksheets to help students understand characters, setting, plot, theme and conflict. Click here to view and print!
Browse printable story elements worksheets for kids! Learn to identify key elements of stories: characters, setting, plot, events, and more. Download for free!
Easy Teacher's printable plot worksheets are designed in a manner that makes your students learn how to identify all portions of a plot of a story.
Story elements worksheets, including characters, settings, plots and author's purpose. Part of a collection of free reading comprehension worksheets from K5 Learning; no registration required.
Sometimes it is hard to determine the intended order of a story, but these worksheets will get you focused on determining themes of a story and order placement. The Easy Teacher order of events worksheets provide students with 15 teaching tools that improve sequencing skills.
This workbook will walk you through assignments that will get you from vague story idea to completed rough draft, covering the following steps: — Testing your premise for inherent conflict and sustainability — Goal, motivation, conflict — Character sketches.